2020 Survey of College & University Admissions Leaders
What is top-of-mind for admissions leaders?
This year TargetX is a proud sponsor of the 2020 Survey of College & University Admissions Leaders. This survey, conducted by Inside Higher Ed & Gallup, compiled responses of 433 senior admissions leaders. The goal is to show their priorities, pain points and biggest concerns as they face down the COVID-19 pandemic and tackle the bevy of challenges that come with it.
The results show that fear and anxiety spread throughout higher education. Additional findings include:
- A record number were very concerned about filling their classes.
- A majority (also a record) not only did not fill their classes by May 1 (the traditional deadline) but did not fill their classes by July 1.
- A significant minority of private colleges said they were taking advantage of rules changes made by the National Association for College Admission Counseling to recruit students.
- Most colleges expect enrollment to decrease this year.
- A majority of those that went test optional or test blind during the pandemic do not expect to ever restore a standardized testing requirement in admissions.
- Private college officials were much more likely than their public counterparts to say they played a “key role” in deciding what the college would do this fall, with regard to campus openings.
Download the report to read the comprehensive findings.